Monday, July 02, 2007

ActiveX component can't create object: 'Excel.Application'

ActiveX component can't create object: 'Excel.Application'

This is a tricky one, which can be solved if the following three things are configured:

1. Make sure that Excel is installed on your server

It is needed for the license.

2. Make sure the permissions are set correctly for the Excel application. This thread explains how:

3. Make sure that unsigned ActiveX controls are not blocked by your browser:

In Internet Explorer. Go to, Tools -> Internet Options

Click on the 'Security' tab

Then seek the following:

'Download unsigned ActiveX controls'
- Set to 'Prompt'

Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe
- Set to 'Prompt'


  1. this really works..thanks a lot

  2. Pramod Kumar4:05 PM

    Thanks it worked

  3. Thank you. You are the first to finally help me with my problem. Step 3 is what worked for me.

  4. Is it not possible to interact with the Excel file WITHOUT the Excel pacakge being installed.

    i.e. To avoid red-tape with Client over licensing of Excel on our test server?

  5. Thank you. It worked

  6. thank you really help
